October 18, 2012
By Digital Operative,

Kim Kardashian - everywhere you look you see this talentless hack either attempting to look natural in a reality show, marrying a New Jersey Net, or selling a perfume which I am assuming smells like a mix of neediness and felt pantsuits. This is not a good model for your life, and this is not a good model for your SEO plan. I am going to show in three lessons how to build an excellent SEO plan by doing the complete opposite of Kim Kardashian.
Lesson 1 - Pick something you do well and stick with it

Kim tries many different venues to define herself. She has attempted to be an actress, a singer, and even at one point tried to be a wife (low blow). However, by trying all of these different venues one can not really describe her. Is she an actress? Is she a spokesperson? Your SEO plan should avoid this pitfall. Think of what your website is about at its core and just go for it. If what you are selling on your site is high quality coffee beans why go after the keywords “coffee cups”? You will just be diluting the purpose of your site to Google, and more importantly the consumer. For my clients I recommend figuring out what your theme is for the website, finding a thematic keyword, and then utilizing that theme in different ways for SEO.
Lesson 2 - Keep control of your content

Perhaps you remember why Kim Kardashian originally got famous. I won’t get into too many details, except to say she made a certain tape with Ray Jay and it got released to the public. What we can learn from this is to keep control of you content. The way to do that for SEO is through Google plus. For those who have not noticed, Google Plus results have been creeping into search results page. For many years Google has ranked pages based on an algorithm that’s mainly derived from backlinking (but this will be changing in the near future). Of course this is easy to manipulate, we link to each other’s website and bam! However, Google will be moving more and more towards the quality of the content (more on that later) and who wrote the content. This is for the better. You will want to setup your Google authorship so that each quality piece of content you put out will be correctly attributed to you. You worked hard on that content, make sure you get the credit (and not Ray Jay).
Lesson 3 - It’s not about the volume of content you put out, it's the quality

Kim puts out quite a bit of content; there is no doubt about that. This content comes in many forms from reality TV, to hosting events, to music videos. However, the vast majority of these are low quality and not engaging. We call this “throw away content” in the world. This type of content was actually surprisingly useful for SEO for a long time. If you were able to amass a lot of content, even if that content was not particularly good, SEO results could still be achieved. However, as I pointed out before - Google is changing and you once again want to do the opposite of Kim. High quality content that is carefully crafted and is actually shared with people is the new signal to Google that your content is worthy of being shown on the first page of the SERPS.
Adam Lundquist performs the search marketing for Digital Operative. if you have any questions about PPC or SEO, he is your guy. Additionally he has loads of early 90's references
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