BLOG/Agency Life
Our first ever Project Manager Intern

HI! I am Jenna, the first ever DO project management intern. SoCal born and raised I am 20 years old and a proud resident of Carlsbad, CA where life is always rad. I have always been a child of the water. I have swum competitively for 13 years and counting, in open water, club teams, high school and now college. You are talking to an NCAA All American. Underneath this athletic façade lives a girl who loves to eat, drink and be happy. I am always up for an adventure with friends whether it is traveling, trying new foods, singing karaoke, or anything really. One of my mottos: Don't knock it until you try it! At school, I am a total busy bee. Besides the swim team, I am a member of Delta Gamma Fraternity, Sports Marketing Team, CIAO: Chicago Italian Appreciation Organization, and I am a sports writer for our school newspaper The Maroon. I love that everyday is always filled with different people and diverse experiences. Organization is one of my strong points, which is why I want to go into project management especially at an agency where every day is different! Let's DO it!Thanks for sharing in our excitement for the World Cup Jenna, we know you are going to gain so much from this experience at DO....even if it started off with us giving you a little World Cup 101.1. Where do you go to School? What is your Major? When do you plan on graduating?
I am a rising junior at the University of Chicago (I know, why leave this beautiful place for Chi-beria right?). I intend to graduate in June 2016 with a degree in Public Policy Studies concentrating in Organizational Management.2. How did you hear about Digital Operative?
While looking for summer plans, I decided I wanted to come home for the summer, rather than stay in Chicago. Thus started my crusade for internships at San Diego agencies. I was immediately attracted to the work and culture of the company represented on the DO website. I actually sent an internship inquiry earlier in the year and was deferred. A month later I saw the project management internship posted on Craigslist, applied and now I am here! I guess it was fate.3. What do you hope to learn from your internship?
I hope to derive a personal definition of what project management is, since my school doesn’t offer classes in it. I also want to experience what real agency life is like and absorb anything and everything that it takes to successfully implement a project in a digital agency.4. 1 week down - 11 to go......How do you feel after your first week of interning?
I love it! First of all: any dog friendly office is the best office. Everyone here is so friendly and helpful, and from the first minute I was here, I have been learning so much about project management and agency life (including Soccer 101 during the World Cup). At DO, I am not just an intern fetching coffee, but a valued person who actually contributes to real tasks. Everything I do here has a purpose and I am so excited for the upcoming weeks.5. What do you hope to do after completing your internship and graduating from college?
Honestly after college, I will go wherever life takes me. I would love to come back to the west coast and work in an agency, doing project management or account management and maybe get my MBA in the future? We shall see!6. Tell us something interesting about yourself?
After this internship is over I am going to study abroad in Rome! It will be my first time in Europe and I hope my fantasy of living the Lizzie McGuire Movie (or any other romantic Italian movie) will come true while there, as well eating my body weight’s worth of pasta and gelato. Ciao!
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