10 Reasons The Android Is Taking Over The Mobile Marketplace
- They are available on multiple carriers (iPhone will lose the battle based purely on availability unless they open up to other carriers)
- The amount on restrictions, or lack there of, on developing applications
- Competition - Multiple phones manufactures pushing each other to make the best Android phones
- Video - Superior video capturing capabilities as well as higher usage of video among owners than competitors
- The phone can be tethered right out of the box
- More Android owners are using apps than all other smart phone owners
- The Android web traffic is trending up (recently passing the iPhone) where as the other major smart phones are trending down or flat
- A third of all Blackberry owners would like to switch to an Android smart phone
- There are 65,000+ Android units being shipped per day which shows a steady and continuous growth in the shipment numbers
- When the iPhone came into the marketplace there the closest competition was the Blackberry, which was mainly a business tool at the time. The Android however is taking market share at a high rate despite the steep competition which includes not only the iPhone but the new Blackberries, Palm, and Windows Mobile devices
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